If symptoms are fully treated by a CPAP machine or other treatment, a Veteran would be rated at 0% and not receive compensation VA will award progressively higher percentage evaluations based upon how symptomatic the condition remains after treatment. Some of the proposed changes include modernizing the evaluation criteria for sleep apnea by evaluating it based on the symptoms’ responsiveness to treatment. VA will consider the comments received and address them in a subsequent final rule which may make these changes effective. Instead, this is an opportunity for Veterans and the public to comment on these proposed changes over the next 60 days. Since these are proposed changes, they will not affect evaluations of any Veteran currently receiving compensation for an impacted disability.

Veterans and the public will have 60 days to comment on these proposed rules. 15, the Veterans Benefits Administration will publish proposed rules in the Federal Register regarding changes to the regulations for the two body systems: respiratory system ear, nose and throat conditions, and auditory disorders and mental disorders. VA is in the process of updating all the body systems in the VASRD to reflect modern evaluative criteria based on advancements in medical terminology, diagnostics and treatment. VASRD is used to determine the appropriate level of compensation for each service-connected disability based on the severity of the condition as documented by supporting medical evidence. The changes would incorporate medical advancements for treating certain disabilities and modern medical knowledge to more accurately compensate Veterans. In a news release posted today, VA proposed changes to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities ( VASRD) specifically pertaining to the respiratory, auditory, and mental disorders body systems.